"V Ruta de la Tapa" in Rafal, province of Alicante
Next weekend, 18th - 20th September, will be held the fifth edition of "La Ruta de la Tapa" in Rafal (Alicante). Eleven bars and restaurants will participate at this edition (90% of the total).
La Ruta de la Tapa is an initiative impulsed by the "Concejalía de Comercio", in collaboration with the "Asociación de Comerciantes y Empresarios" of Rafal. Its goal is to know the wealth of products of the area, together with the promotion of Rafal traders. Assistants will enjoy drink + tapa for only 2€ at participating establishments.
It will also take place the same weekend in the "II Rafal Rafal Villa Carrera Popular", there will be a version of 10 km and another one of 5 km, at 19:00 on Saturday.
"Tapaporte" Gastronomic
La Ruta de la Tapa aims to reward the best tapas in Rafal. To do that every assistant will get a "tapaporte" which will be sealed in each of the bars of the town. Once the route finishes, the attendees may deposit the "tapaporte" in any of the participating establishments.
All participants who has delivered the "tapaporte" will participate in a 350€ draw to spend in the shops of the town. The draw will take place on October 9th during "El Día de las Paellas".
See you there! xD